Sunday, November 23, 2008

Capture the Moment

As photographers, we are given the task to "Capture the Moment". But what is a moment? It has nothing to do with time. It is about being in the present. When you are fully absorbed in that "Now".

"Eternity isn’t some later time. Eternity isn’t even a long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is that dimension of here and now that all thinking in temporal terms cuts off. " - Joseph Campbell

Peer into the viewfinder of your camera, it is dark in there, save for that little box which is your window to the world outside. Inside your viewfinder there are focus points and whichever focus point you pick and aim towards an object you will see that the object nearest that focus point will be clear and sharp, hence the term "in focus". While the rest of the picture will fade away in the background. Again breathe, focus, click the shutter and time will stop and that moment will be captured forever.

As in the cacophony of our daily lives we too can be in focus, stop time and live in the moment. Without dwelling on the past and worry about the mysterious future.

Stand on a corner of a busy street and watch as cars pass by, honking their horns. Observe the people rushing on to the street, talking, shouting. There is a certain chaos. Breathe deeply and slowly and focus on one point on the street, be it a person or a red fire hydrant, focus on it while being aware of your breathing. In a brief moment your mind will be calm, time will stop and the world will be in focus. Blink! You have just captured the moment.

By having your mind free of thoughts your photos will flow with life itself.

"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free Stay centered by accepting
whatever you are doing, This is the ultimate"
-- Zen Saying

Tip: Pick your focus points carefully, study your subjects whether it is a person, a rock or a flower. The correct focus point can make or break a picture and will even affect exposure. When taking portraits, a good rule of thumb is to focus on the eyes. The eyes are the window into the soul and thus will let your images speak for themselves.

1 comment:

popcorn said...

Hi Sachi, the little girl is so beautiful and the photo makes her look very ethereal. She looks like an angel :)